Recreation Equipment Rental
Any broken or damaged equipment will be replaced by user with a comparable subsitute or a percentage of the cost it will take to replace item. Equipment must be returned by 9 am on the due date or user will pay a late fee pro-rated on time of return.
A new option for learning how-to cross-country ski!
The Glendive Recreation Department has equipment available for rent including: horseshoes, volleyball, badminton, frisbee, and softball equipment. A deposit is required at the time of pick up. It's a good idea to reserve picnic kits ahead of time for weekends.
Volleyball/Badminton Kit (balls/birdies, standards, net):
City rates-- $3.00 (daily), $5.00 (weekend)
Non-city rates--$5.00 (daily), $7.00 (weekend)
Picnic Kit (Assortment of your choice):
City rates-- $5.00 (daily), $8.00 (weekend)
Non-city-- $7.00 (daily), $10.00 (weekend)
Single Items:
City rates-- $1.00 (daily), $3.00 (weekend)
Non-city rates-- $2.00 (daily), $4.00 (weekend)
If you have any Badminton Equipment or Croquet Sets (which are in good condition) that you are wanting to donate, please stop down at the Recreation Department.
Cross Country Skiing
The Rec Department also has Cross Country Ski equipment available for rent. Everyone in your party must come into the Rec Center in order to be properly fitted.
Rental rates for skis, boot, and poles are as follows:
Non- City Residents
City Residents
* Students are considered grades 7-12.
Ice Skate Rental
Glendive Recreation Department now has Ice Skating Equipment available to rent. Everyone in your party must be present to rent ice skates and to be fitted.
City Residents
Adult *Student Youth
1/2 Day $8.00 $6.00 $4.00
Full Day $10.00 $8.00 $6.00
Weekend $15.00 $13.00 $11.00
Week Rate $32.00 $30.00 $28.00
Non-City Residents
Adult *Student Youth
1/2 Day $10.00 $8.00 $6.00
Full Day $13.00 $11.00 $9.00
Weekend $19.00 $17.00 $15.00
Week Rate $37.00 $35.00 $33.00
*Students are considered grades 7-12